Following error we receive while copying current version.
547: The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint “ck_tbl_5_8_HR_ChildType_ID”. The Conflict occurred in database “MDS_Production”, table “mdm.tbl_5_8_HR”., @errornumber = 547 , @errorprocedure = “ “,line 2 correlation ID: 7923e8be-e1fa-4ca9-a81d-e560b24deda9
I must say that if I copy any other version (which are validated) then I do not see any issue. I am successfully able to create a version.
Code for constraint:
USE [MDS_Production]
ALTERTABLE [mdm].[tbl_5_8_HR]CHECKCONSTRAINT [ck_tbl_5_8_HR_ChildType_ID]
--I checked the mdm.tbl_5_8_HR table to make sure is there any record does not match with this condition.
I found the table population has all records in line with the constraint logic.
Following tables are the base to populate Child_EN_ID flag and Child_HP_ID flag in the mdm.tbl_5_8_HR table.
[MDS_Production].[mdm].[tbl_5_8_HP]– Parent of Division Dimension Elements
[MDS_Production].[mdm].[tbl_5_8_EN]– Childe level elements of Division Dimension
I am new to MDS. Can anyone assist here on how to debug this error?
Please feel free if you need further information.
Thank You