I have created Product entity in MDS. It's having the following values:
Name Code Owner
Bike 1 ABC
Car 2 XYZ
Cycle 3 RRR
owner XYZ can change the record of RRR. But if owner XYZ or any other owner in this entity tried to update the ABC's record, access should be denied. That means, no one should have the permission to change the records which are entered by ABC.
For this i have executed this code
CREATE TRIGGER mdm.party_trial_readonly ON mdm.tbl_1042_1278_EN AFTER UPDATE, DELETE AS
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM deleted WHERE readonly = 1)
RAISERROR ('Attempt to change a read-only row', 16, 1)
After executing this code i couldn't edit any of the records.
Please help me out in this.