I seems as though deployupdate is not updating the clone with deletions on the master. These deletions were made through the staging process with ImportType=6. Is this an expected behavior ? It is not good for me because I need to drop/recreate the clone to get it to be in-sync again with the master. Following is how I am doing the update: MDS1 is the master and MDS3 is the clone. Advice appreciated.
MDSModelDeploy createpackage -model "BridgeEntities" -version "VERSION_1" -service "MDS1" -package "c:\DW_Scripts\mdspk_Prod_MDS.pkg" -includedata
Creating a package for model BridgeEntities
Saving package to file c:\DW_Scripts\mdspk_Prod_MDS.pkg
MDSModelDeploy operation completed successfully. Elapsed time: 00:00:52.8272090
MDSModelDeploy deployupdate -package "c:\DW_Scripts\mdspk_Prod_MDS.pkg" -version "VERSION_1" -service "MDS3"
Deploying package c:\DW_Scripts\mdspk_Prod_MDS.pkg, updating version VERSION_1 of the master data in model BridgeEntities
MDSModelDeploy operation completed successfully. Elapsed time: 00:04:35.1441009