I think all the users need to have a fantastic Web Data Grid - aka
Infragistics Web Grid
Users need the following features:
- hide/show individual columns of Web Grid
- change the size of every columns
- allow to set columns sequence in the Web Grid
- over the header of the grid must be 1 row with textbox for every columns.
This is textboxes for the quick filters: the user enters a value (as for the domain attribute and freeform attribute)
and clicks the "Filter" button and is queried rows from the MDS-server.
Filtering records should be in one touch !
- stretching (copy) the values within the column, as is done in Excel - clicking on the lower right corner of the cell
- freeze (not scrolling) selected columns
- freeze selected rows
Save all this personal settings on the server as "named user settings". Allow the every user to save more than one"named user settings" for every entity.
Users need the following features:
- hide/show individual columns of Web Grid
- change the size of every columns
- allow to set columns sequence in the Web Grid
- over the header of the grid must be 1 row with textbox for every columns.
This is textboxes for the quick filters: the user enters a value (as for the domain attribute and freeform attribute)
and clicks the "Filter" button and is queried rows from the MDS-server.
Filtering records should be in one touch !
- stretching (copy) the values within the column, as is done in Excel - clicking on the lower right corner of the cell
- freeze (not scrolling) selected columns
- freeze selected rows
Save all this personal settings on the server as "named user settings". Allow the every user to save more than one"named user settings" for every entity.
from Moscow with money