I have an MDS instance where security is not being correctly applied. I've changed the member processing security interval, ensured that the SSB_USER account has the correct schema permissions, checked that there are no disabled service broker queues, and followed the instructions to reset the timers here. The only difference I see between this and the other instances I have running on the same server are these messages in the SQL / event logs, which lead me to believe that the proc is running correctly. If I run the procedure to manually update the permissions it works. What am I missing?
Event ID: 9724
The activated proc '[mdm].[udpSecurityMemberQueueActivate]' running on queue 'MDS.mdm.microsoft/mdm/queue/securitymembertimer' output the following: 'Creating member security items for Entity_ID: 20 and Version_ID: 5 finished at: 15:25:16'