I would like to be able to rename staging tables for entities that have already been created.
The problem is that apperently there were/are several test models before the final one, those test models had the same entities defined, which lead to similar staging table names for them with the difference of adding "_1" at the end. Right now in the final model there are a lot of staging tables named like "stg.EntityName_1_1_1_Leaf" with 0-4 "_1" bits
Over 150 entities will need to have automatic data imports, so the different naming standard is really confusing. I cannot drop any entities right now since they all have data. I cannot rename the table using the "Edit Entity" option in "System Administration" since it is greyed out.
tl/dr: Any way to rename staging tables?
edit: According to this:
it is possible to rename the staging table by editing entities through "System Administration" in MDS 2016, I have 2014 version though, so the problem is still there.