My PC Config is:
Windows 10, Excel 2010, Sql Server 2014, IIS v10 (I think)
I have installed SQL Server and have set up the MDS database.
When I go into MDS Services Configuration, I see message :
"Internet Information Services (IIS) is not configured on this server.
These required Web Server role services are not installed:
Windows Authentication"
Despite above, I was still able to successfully create web app and connect to MDS via the Web Application.
From MDS in Web Browser , I then installed MDS Add-In for Excel.
When in Excel, I try and connect to MDS, I get error, "The HTTP request in unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm'. "
I cannot find WindowsAuthentication check box in IIS. I cannot find it when I go to turn on Windows Features. Is this because I have Windows 10?
As I cannot find WindowsAuthentication anywhere, is there another way to get the MDS Add-In for Excel working?