i've updated a sql 2012 cluster from SP1 to SP3
i noticed the mds database needed an upgrade too. we run the application pool under custom account, needed to add security to the config file.
upgrading took long time, and i had a notification (see below)
eventually, the database seemed to be upgraded, as the website worked again: altough following issues:
custom views were gone.
business rules needed to be republished again.
i will simulate the upgrade again on a test server with a backup of the db.
how do i know all went well and the db is consistent. how do i know the schema upgrade succeeded?
Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Configuration.ConfigurationException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Nonqualified transactions are being rolled back. Estimated rollback completion: 0%.
Nonqualified transactions are being rolled back. Estimated rollback completion: 100%.
0%. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The wait operation timed out
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Configuration.DatabaseUtilities.UpgradeMasterDataServicesDatabase(SqlConnection connection, String databaseName, Collection`1& businessRuleExclusionWarnings)
at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Configuration.Commands.UpdateMasterDataServicesDatabase.InternalProcessRecord()
at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Configuration.Commands.ConfigurationCmdlet.ProcessRecord()
at System.Management.Automation.CommandProcessor.ProcessRecord()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Configuration.InstanceManager.Execute(Command command)
at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Configuration.InstanceManager.UpgradeMasterDataServicesDatabase(DatabaseServerInformation serverInformation, DatabaseInformation databaseInformation)
at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Configuration.UI.ServerManagement.ConfigurationAdministration.UpgradeDatabase(DatabaseInformation databaseInformation)
at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Configuration.UI.MdsDatabase.UpgradeDatabase()
ing. Jo Delforge