We are trying to implement Java client for MDS default service. We tried to create proxy for the WSDL (http:/localhost/Service/Service.svc?wsdl).
1) We use Eclipse with Apache CXF Maven Plug in to generate the proxy class. We get the following error:
[ERROR] Error while generating code.Location [ http://winx-v0223.jbhunt.com:81/Service/Service.svc?xsd=xsd0{1,196971}].
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: http://winx-v0223.jbhunt.com:81/Service/Service.svc?xsd=xsd0; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 196971; A class/interface with the same name "com.roytuts.soap.client.Version" is already in use. Use a class
customization to resolve this conflict.
[ERROR] Error while generating code.Location [ http://winx-v0223.jbhunt.com:81/Service/Service.svc?xsd=xsd4{1,280}].
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: http://winx-v0223.jbhunt.com:81/Service/Service.svc?xsd=xsd4; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 280; (Relevant to above error) another "Version" is generated from here.
2) We also tried to create the proxy in Eclipse with Axis 2. We get the following error:
IWAB0399E Error in generating Java from WSDL: java.io.IOException: ERROR: Missing <soap:fault> element inFault "SkuNotSupportedMessageFault" in operation "SkuNotSupportedMessageFault", in binding BusinessRulesPaletteGet
java.io.IOException: ERROR: Missing <soap:fault> element inFault
However, when we replace the wsdl:fault with wsdl:Soap in the WSDL file, we could able to generate the proxy.
3) We tried to create java proxy with the above tools for another WCF service (WSDL), there is no hurdle in getting the proxy class now. It creates without error. But, we get all the above 2 issues only with Default MDS Service
Please Let us know what is the right way to get the proxy out of Default MDS service WSDL.